Jul 30, 2023Liked by Mikey Seay

👊🏽 Good job as always! Enjoyed the read; especially about the (perceived) flat beer scene. I think our beer scene is what each as an individual make of it. I am thankful for the scene we have in the Fresno/Clovis area. Just wish it wasn't so dang hot!

Enjoy your beers! 🍻🔧

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Yes! Fresno needs more shade and less asphalt in its beer scene! Thanks, Wrench!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Mikey Seay

Love this one, I’ve been pondering about indie beer and it’s glory. Seems like we the drinker/snob chase the glory, until a new one pops up, and on and on the chase continues. When do we as the chaser realize that we are the issue with breweries getting lost or forgotten because of the chase?

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Word. It’s an era to just appreciate what we have, enjoy it, and wait for a new generation to come along to “discover” indie beer again.

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