I too am processing the Stone buyout. But, i remember years ago when there was a pre-zoom conference like thing, and Maureen Ogle stated that all 'craft' beers would get bigger and not be craft anymore [well not quite like that] but the point being, that is how business is.

Also, Greg and Steve probably are thinking retirement might be nice right about now. I retired, so I guess i'm ok with that.

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Yes! The retirement thing is big. When you have enough money for the rest of your life, I don’t know why people still keep working.

And when you’re a brewery owner that wants to go home and relax for once, and there is nobody around indie that can buy you out, the next best thing is to sell to someone that will retain your workers and keep them (hopefully) employed in the future.

So I can’t blame anyone when it’s that kinda situation.

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With Stone selling out, it doesn’t make any difference in my choices in craft. I haven’t had a Stone beer since May of 2019….. thats 4 years ago, but I have had Sapporo and that was in March of this year, so I guess we know who is funding who!

Crazy news, but the lawsuit against keySTONE took its toll on them. Not even winning kept them form losing, that’s some crazy sh!t .

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