Even with that little groundhog bastard saying there will be six more weeks of Winter, I am ready to declare Sittin’ Season to be open.
Sittin’ Season is weather good enough to sit outside with a beer and not have to be wearing Gor-tex - sorry, I just really wanted to wedge in a picture of Bugs & Daffy and George in his jacket - it’s almost why this post exists:
Seriously though, I can’t take Winter anymore and now I am trying to will Spring into existence.
And hey, it’s sunny today, so I say, it’s time to sit on a patio with a beer and stare off somewhere. It’s Sittin’ Season!!
Or a normal person might call this Daydreaming Weather. So that’s what we should do this week.

Dammit, way to bring this down, Get Paid Writing. Yes, there is a danger to daydreaming too. At some point you have to do SOME work.
I do a lot of daydreaming about making money writing. A lot. But I do very little actual work towards it.
Occasionally on Mikey Top Pour I write a post in hopes that it will draw in enough search traffic that it will make a little bit of Amazon affiliate income.
Not much success there, FYI.
I have done a tiny bit of freelance work for other people’s blogs and that was sorta ok. It is something I need to do more of and probably will.
Another possibility is turning on the paid option for this newsletter - something
desperately tries to get writers to do.It’s how Substack makes its money, so I guess it’s not surprising.
It’s like Substack is a big nationwide beer distributor and the Substack writers are a bunch of little and big-ish indie breweries.
So anyway, a long way of saying that I am thinking about turning on a paid version of Drinking & Thinking - emphasis on thinking.
I feel like I don’t have a big enough readership to make it worthwhile, but… yeah… I dunno, who knows!?
Certainly, this little niche audience of “beer geeks that like to relax and read emails” that I am writing for, could never be a large enough audience to make game-changing income.
But, if it were enough to pay a bill and buy me a few mixed-six-packs, I would be satisfied with that.
So, take the poll and/or leave a comment and let me know if there is something you’d like me to be writing more about in this newsletter.
Meanwhile I’ll give a paid version a good think.
The Bowl Game of Super Beer Drinking
Even a non-sports fan has to like Superz Bowlz Sunday! There are not too many other days in the calendar where it’s perfectly legit to start drinking late in the morning and keep it up all day long.
I have not fully formed what beers I will be having (making a brewery run today to pick some more up), but I know it will involve this new Russian River beer:
Yeah baby! It’s likely no Pliny The Younger, but it’s a Russian River beer I haven’t tried so it can’t not be good.
Since we’re doing polls today, how about this one:
Well, I hope you have a great week with your beers! Sorry about the pitch, such as it was (I feel shame). And I hope you have a nice sunny place to sit with a beer this weekend.
Peace, Beer, & Metal
The Superb Owl ad question is a tricky one. Boston Beer is running an ad… but only in certain markets as a local ad between quarters. If you don’t see it, you‘re in a market that doesn’t matter to them!
Cheers Mikey. Appreciate the emails on Saturday and quick read. Keep up the good work! -Keef