Feb 27, 2022Liked by Mikey Seay

Ha! leftover 805's too funny and true!

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I’ve been trying to get rid of some 805s for a month.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Mikey Seay

Great read Mikey, I too, kinda, have a whiskey/bourbon box located in my dining room.

Rules are….

If it’s open- enjoy

If it’s seal- enjoy

If it’s on the top shelf- don’t touch

If you empty it- replace it next visit

If you don’t see what you like- supply it

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Mikey Seay

When I started collecting I had around 12 bottles ( mainly all JD stuff) People have contributed around 34 bottles in the past 5 years! Anything from Jamison, Buffalo trace, wood worth reserve, Johnny Walker, even Jim Beam 😂

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