Hi. This is Drinking & Thinking. A drinking companion that hangs-out in your inbox trying to get all your other emails drunk.
Time To Rotate Your Beers For Christmas and New Years
You may be saving some old beers to rotate out on Christmas. Or aging them for some mythical special day. I am saying to you, why not have one right mow?
Yes. Drink one tonight. Even if the age of it might scare you a little. I did this last night with this old Modern Times beer:
But. I have to admit. I am drinking this “City Of The Dead” because I am low on supply and I don’t feel like going out into the cold night to get more. So am left with old beers to try.
Nothing noble going on. Just lazy.
Maybe you can do the same this weekend, only be noble about it. Have a beer you’ve been saving (or you might be afraid to drink), because it ain’t gettin’ any better.
Sleepiness Is The Worst Drinking Buddy
I could be such a better beer drinker if I didn’t get so tired. Most of my drinking is at night after a long day of life. Sometimes I fit in some day drinking on a day off. But even then, one thing always dogs me: I get too tired.
Maybe it is nature’s way of regulating. It sucks though.
After drinking that old Modern Times beer I just talked about, I didn’t even finish it. I moved on to the one I really wanted to drink:

I was planning on drinking that Societe IPA later in the night but I could tell, after having half the Modern Times bomber, I wasn’t going to make it much longer and cracked it open then and there before I started falling asleep all over the dumb place.
Sometimes drinking diet soda in between beers can keep me alert enough, but not this time.
I researched on why beer makes you sleepy once. Basically the worst kind to have is a hoppy beer. The hops make you more sleepy. Not sleeping enough the night before and not drinking enough water are also factors. Guilty of all three.
If you have any tips for staying alert enough to keep enjoying your beers, let us all know about it in the comments.
Thanks for the read. Rest up. Hope you have some nice times with your beers this week!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍻 & Metal 🤘