Welcome to Drinking & Thinking! Here to make life with beer slightly better.
Respect The River
Props to Beer Night In San Diego for bringing this up. I love to drop the info on Pliny being a cheap beer when you consider everything - even in a time of inflation.
Not sure how Russian River is able to do this AND be so perfect with how they make and distribute their beer and still have a profitable business. They are the model for an Indie Brewery, for sure.
Drinking Digest
This should be a good weekend as it is backed by this singles haul. I already had the Peeper from Maine Beer Co - it was like a Lager-ed Pale (if that makes any sense).
Things From Beer Twitter
My Ego has a hard time recommending beer podcasts not my own but this particular episode of Beer Ladies Podcast is a great guide to beer literature, so check it:

Meme the week:
Respect to 15 years of indie blog game 🍻

Something to leave you with:
Let’s all try to buy someone’s love this week.
Sorry I wasn’t around last weekend. Thank you for the read! Have a damn fine week with your beers!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍻 & Metal 🤘
We’ve been to both Russian River breweries and we weren’t thrilled with their customer service. Hopefully someday their people skills can begin to match their PHENOMENAL beer skills!! Have a great week Mikey!! Cheers to many beers!! 🍻
The RRB price drop is awesome, hope others follow suit!!! Thanks for the read Mikey