Hello there. Welcome in. How’s your drinking and thinking been going this week?
Heads up!: This strawberry pizza thing seems to be trending in taprooms this summer. So just be aware of it when you are out & about at your favorite beer & pizza place. I have yet to try one, but for some reason it sounds better than pineapple on pizza.🍓
Beer Field Recordings: Carmel, California
Time to get a little nerdy with a new feature on the newsletter: Field Recordings.
I have been getting into them more and more lately; listening to ambient recordings of stuff from around the world. So I am starting to do my own.
Here are two from a recent trip to Carmel, California.
Up first: Mulligan Public House, May 2022. Recorded at the bar, you mostly hear the fill-in bartender trying to figure out a gas issue with the Guinness tap:
Next is the the Alvarado Street Brewing taproom in Carmel [May 2022] as I sit quietly at the mildly busy bar while watching two experienced workers have the new bartender try some Alvarado Street beers he hasn’t yet:
Sorry, I know field recordings are nerdy as fuck but I like it so it stays. 🤣 Hopefully I will get better at it.
Links To Beer: Awards, Cider Shacks, Beer Accident Help:
If you are a fellow indie beer media enthusiast and have something you or someone else produced that is cool, check out the submission page of North American Guild of Beer Writers and let them know - you have until the end of the month.
In the past it is mostly stuff from the Good Beer Hunting site winning awards. Pretty boring and tied to Big Beer. Might be nice to see some less pretentious stuff get some recognition.
Okay, this is cool even if it isn’t Indie Beer:

Home brewers out there might be getting some selling ideas for their neighborhood from this roadside Bray’s Cider shack, Taunton (UK):
Okay well I am going to head out. Sorry about last week, I took an unplanned week off from posting, sadly it happens here and there.
I really appreciate the read and I hope you have a great week with your beers, ciders, strawberries and field recordings!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍻 & Metal 🤘