Not Happy With Your Easter Ham Beer Pairing Suggestions, Internet
A tight guide for beers to drink with your meal.
Hi. Happy Easter to those that celebrate. (And sorry if you’re a Monday reader of Drinking & Thinking, maybe you can apply this post to your leftovers though)

Easter is a little bit weird for the holiday gathering. Not as serious as Thanksgiving or Christmas, but still there as a family event.
Maybe a bit looser than the big two. More openings for relaxing with beer and experimenting?
So I started with looking up what pairs well with ham (because I have no idea). The results are not pleasing to my palate.
A Tumblr guy suggests an English Brown, Maibock, German Pilsener or a Belgian Ale. I might go with a Pilsner but that is it from those choices.
Over at Food Lion, they suggest:
Smoked ham: A Crisp Pilsner or Lager.
Honey glazed: Wheat beers, Hef or a Witbier.
Chicken: Any bitter beer will do.
Again, Pilsner. I’m sensing a pattern.
At the Alcohol Professor some more exact picks emerge:
A Nut Brown like Full Sail’s.
Victory’s Prima Pils.
Sam Adam’s Boston Lager.
If you’re having lamb, Guinness Stout.

See? A lot of Pilsner action.
You may know me enough that I was just fishing for someone to tell me to drink Pales or IPAs. I didn’t find much of that. Dang it [puts head down and kicks rocks].
I know, “Drink whatever the hell you want, dude!” you might be saying. But I would like to be a better beer drinker one day. So, I will try.
So, I will pick up, at least, a Pilsner today. I am guessing Firestone Walker’s Pivo Pils, but we shall see. Let me know in the comments if you do any pairings over the Easter weekend or with Easter leftovers.
Okay, hope you are doing well. I really appreciate the read. Please subscribe if you haven’t already and let your drinking friends know this is here, if you have the chance.
Have a great week with your beers!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍻 & Metal 🤘
Easter beer in my home are.... everything and anything in my beer fridge!! Happy Easter Mikey, cheers and saludos to the family!