Really, Humble Sea? GNARcolas Cage? Okay, guys, it’s a stretch, but I’ll allow it. I’m a sucker for Nicolas Cage puns

Craft Beer Obligations
There are a few craft beers out there that are good to keep tabs on. You know, check to see what it’s tasting like to you. Obviously Sierra Nevada Pale is the perfect one to reset your palate too.
Others are good to just KNOW what they are like this year. I believe one of those is Stone Brewing’s Anniversary beer. This year is 24 and I’ll be looking out for it, if for nothing else, research purposes.

They Do, In Fact, Have The Meats
Arby’s. One of my favorite fast foods. There are only two in Fresno. Lucky for me, one of them is by my house. They are currently advertising a seasonal fish sandwich and making a big deal about it being ‘beer-battered’ and stuff. I’m really curious about what kind of beer they are using, so I asked them.

I got no reply. And only two likes. Sad.
It sorta doesn’t make a difference since I don’t like fish sandwiches no matter what you batter it with, but I still would like to know. Even just the style of beer if not the brand.
On In The Background
Some new music this weekend to have on whilst drinking, The Killers have a new album out called “Imploding The Mirage”! I have not listened to much of it yet, but plan to be very familiar with it by the end of the weekend.
A review of the album, from Pitchfork, can be found here.
Writting Beer

Look at that lovely West Coast IPA from Modern Times I drank while writing part of this week’s D&T. A beer called (looks like SF Giants themed, btw) “Virtual Future”. A tallboy that is truly a West Coast IPA.
I feel like it would be more accurate to call West Coast IPAs, CALIFORNIA IPAs. Oregon and Washington, mostly, do not make accurate West Coasts. So, really, California leads in brewing accuracy of the category, probably should be called Cali IPAs. Too late now.
Goodbye, Historic Drunks!
It was announced this week that Comedy Central has canceled the show Drunk History. That’s okay, it’s probably time. I will miss seeing new ones though.
In case you have never watched, a comedian gets drunk and tells a story about some actual historic event. Then actors recreate the version the drunk comedian tells.
They were rarely not funny.
The best ones are when the comedian is super wasted but is still able to spit out the story.
For me, nothing will beat the first one I ever saw: Duncan Trussel reciting the story of Tesla vs. Edison, with John C. Reilly and Crispin Glover acting. I probably have watched it 20 times and love it each viewing:
“Mark Twain would be there, crying.”
Hey! I love your ass for reading! Thank you so much for the shares and comments last week! Hope the week treats you excellent. Cheers to you and yours!
Never ever heard of “Drunken History “, I will bing that shit now! Thanks Mikey