Hey there, good to see ya.
This week we are talking about reviving that dated beer in your fridge.
Last night all I had around to drink was old beer that I hadn’t bothered drain-pouring yet. This made me question how to make these old beers taste better. What can be done?
I filtered the results and brought the best to you.
Turns out, you will need a French press. I don’t have one so I say you can just kind of mix in the things some other way - but you’ll probably get better results using a French press (something I now am adding to my wish list).
Try these:
Remove the zest of a grapefruit (orange or lime could work too). Take that zest and half a grapefruit (with the peel removed) and put them through a French press. Take that and put it on the top of your beer (I obviously don’t know how French presses work). Gives your beer a fresh citrus vibe that overtakes the cardboard. Good for Pales and IPAs or any beer that can take on citrus.
Take cocoa nibs and put them through the French press process with your beer. Good for tart beers.
Take freshly ground coffee and put your beer through the French press process. Works best on Stouts but I think it would add something to most styles.
Slice half a mango, and use the French press process. Good for West Coast IPAs.
For Lager and Ambers it doesn’t matter, they already wack and there is no helping them…ZING!🤣
So yeah, I am going to have to get a French press but then never use it for actual coffee. Related reading:
The post I pressed for this idea.
If you have better tips for freshening up your old beer, leave it for us in the comments.
Beer Buy Prompt
This week I decided we should all be able to go out together with a prompt in mind. The prompt is:
Churn my butter.
Take that however you want to.
So at your grocery store or bottle shop or brewery visit this week, think of this prompt and pair it with a beer that collabs best with it.
Heads Up For Pledges!
I might MIGHT get buzzed on old beer and turn on the pay option for Drinking & Thinking this week, so those of you who have pledged…make sure you still have room on your card, or get out now while you still can.
Hope you are having a great Easter weekend and have a good time pressing old beers this week. Thanks for the read!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍻 & Metal 🤘
for ease, i use a very small dash of some kind of bitters. a little goes a Long Way!
there are so many kinds of bitters, I always have some sort of orange bitters on hand, but there are so many. helps out any old beers that didn't make the cut at first.