Get Better At Checking Dates and Drunk Tweeting
Every damn week on The Perfect Pour I end the show telling people “Be safe. Have fun. Check dates!” So you would think I would be at good checking beer dates. Nope.

Yes. I bought this 4-pack of Orderville from Modern Times that was canned over a year ago. I actually did check the date, but my dumb brain stopped at 06/19/… and was too lazy to see 2019. As you would expect, it tasted old. Like rust.
Four beers down the drain.
The funny thing is, this was in my regular grocery store so I probably passed by this a hundred times and very likely picked it up and looked at the date! Like, a lot. Guess Modern Times does not sell well in my store. Lesson here is, REALLY check your dates!
Are you drinking more double IPAs during the COVID-19 Era?

This is interesting because I have not noticed this double IPA trend at all. Not personally or in my Fresno beer bubble. But, then again, it’s kinda flipping hard to figure out what the trends are when you don’t go out anymore.
Personally, I don’t think my drinking habits have changed during the Pandemic. Maybe I even drink less, if anything. Guess I should start stepping up my DIPA game.
Beer Garden Of The Week

This is a bit of a cheat since this is not exactly the view from Verdant Brewing’s beer garden. But it is a view from their UK town of Falmouth. The town is in the Southwestern part of England and it looks like a wonderful as hell place to sit and have a beer. Someday.
The Drunk Writer That Captured Twitter For A Night
I think most of us (those on Twitter anyway) saw this last week. Famous writer, Susan Orlean, had one-too-many at a neighbor’s and live-tweeted her funny-ass drunk-stumbling, in the most adorable of ways.

It was so epic! I followed it live about halfway in. Most entertaining night in a while. There is so much more to it, check this Washington Post article recounting the night.
Label Of The Week

For some reason, this New Holland Brewing beer, “Poet’s Brunch Stout” caught my eye on Twitter. Is it the 1960s vibe? I dunno, I just like it. The beer rates above 4 on Untappd so it must be pretty good too.
Beer Drank While Writing This Newsletter
From Sacramento’s New Glory Brewing (I have been having a lot of Sacramento beers lately), “Do You Even Mosaic, Broh?”. I have had two 16oz cans while writing this. Feeling decent. I wish I could be as entertaining as Susan Orlean after some drinks.

Issue #9 of Drinking & Thinking In The Books
Well, thanks a hell of a lot for reading this. I have a blog too. Please subscribe if this is your first time reading Drinking & Thinking. You might have noticed that I switched to Substack for the newsletter service. It’s a little easier to use so I might get inspired to send these out once a week if you’d be into that. We shall see.
Have an awesome weekend and check those dates!