I almost really shamed myself with this one. Someone (I know who but no need to drag them out) on Beer Twitter posted the above picture asking “caption this”.
People were coming up with their funny takes, I started developing my attempt too. I was going to say it came from a rebel brewing ship that operates in International Waters making only non-hazy beers. Then Haze Pirates came and destroyed their ship.
But then the news caught up with the picture. And it wasn’t good.
A deadly flood hit Southeastern France this week, one of the places was Saint Martin where the brewery Brasserie du Comte is.
The flood took out the whole brewery.
Everyone at the brewery was ok but the brewery was washed away. All of it. Including the tank that ended up in the ocean.
I had a hard time finding some way we could help. It seems the brewery plans to come back somehow. I’ll keep watching for ways to help and follow up if I find it.
Warm Your Gardens
I think this is good advice to every brewery and taproom in the Northern Hemisphere right now:
I’m sure you got this and don’t need a dopey newsletter to tell you about business, but yeah, if you are used to shutting down the patio in the winter or don’t have one at all, get down to Lowe’s and start buying some heaters and crap. We will need to be drinking outside for a while, it seems.
Hazy Marshmallow Beers
An article from the Thrillist teaches you how (among other things) to make marshmallows using Sierra Nevada’s Hazy Little Thing.
I love marshmallows. Hazy Little Thing is a nice enough beer. I’m all for this! Let’s do it!!
blah blah blah, yeah, never mind. That is too much work I can’t even finish reading the instructions. Please someone make these and send me some.
Look Out!
Those of you that know San Diego beer know Alpine. At one time they were the hottest beer geek brewery in SD.
Eventually Green Flash Brewing brought them under their roof and then things got weird.
Well it appears, according to that permit in the picture (and post by Indie Beer Show with a heads up by XL Perro) the OG Dudes from Alpine have started up a new brewery.
Cant wait to try some. I hope this go around stays small but the beer has the same buzz the old Alpine used to have. 🤞
Thank You, King Edward
My favorite musician (and celebrity) of all time passed this week from Cancer, Eddie Van Halen.
It’s difficult to put into words how much the man meant to me. Countless hours of listening, talking with friends and amazing shows, all because of Eddie and the band.
He is the biggest reason I picked up the guitar, but I could never really learn a Van Halen song properly, no matter how many hours I put into it.
He hadn’t drank for a long time but I remember him having stacks of Heineken bottles around his amps during his Heavy times.
Knowing he is not out there in his studio laying down tracks for another album really sucks. Rest In Peace, King.
It Is What It Is
Continue being safe out there and thank you for the read. It is really appreciated. Thank you too for any shares or nerdy discussion of Drinking & Thinking.
You brought tears to my eyes on this one. Tough week for sure! 🤘🏻❤️
Good read this week, RIP Eddie 🙏🏼