Another useful illustration by Pints & Panels - although I don’t care HOW much I like DIPAs, I am not pairing anything with carrot cake.
More pairing help incoming, this time with cheese!:
Funny that this Planters ad has been all over the Internets this week too:
What HE Said!

Yes! But also, even more important to me is PRINT THE CANNED DATE AND MAKE SURE IT CAN BE READ!
There is NOTHING worse to me than getting stuck with a 4-pack or 6-pack of beer that turns out to be old. I would rather have a beer that is not all that great but fresh than a good beer that is old.
As I found out this week, even beers with decent dates on them can fall off the cliff quickly (I’m looking at you, Hazzies).
The Links To Beer
Paying respect to 10 years of Daisy Cutter. I have only been lucky enough to have that beer twice in my life and both times I remember it being excellent.
Pizza & Beer are the greatest of pairings and Atlanta has a really good example.
Music To Drink By!
A new Killers album came out! 🎶 I sadly have to work all weekend but I’ll still make some time to drink and dissect Pressure Machine!
Following Up!
Last week I featured the label but now it’s out there in real life.

Many Thanks To You and Beer!
Make sure to check in at my blog during the week for any new things. Some stuff makes it into Drinking & Thinking and some just live on the blog.
Have a great fun week drinking your beers! Many thanks to you for the read and shares!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍺 and Metal 🤘