I started a new thing on the blog, not sure if I’ll keep up with it EVERY Friday but… it’s my personal Beer Drinking Forecast.
We all know what the weather will be like but what about how much beer will I drink over the weekend!? The important stuff.
Here is the next couple days:
FORECAST: Damn nice.
An open day with no plans (outside of yard-work). Good chance that drinking will start by 3PM with light but regular drinking-swells hitting shore and contuning late into the night.
Possible trip to Tioga Sequoia Brewing to see this:
After that (or instead of), I might do an old-blog-school LIVE-BLOG of my Saturday drinking.
For you kids that don’t remember blogging’s heyday: before Twitter, when we wanted to continually commentate a live event of some sort, we would create a post on a blog that we would post rolling updates to. The reader would need to refresh the post to check for any updates.
Well I kinda feel like bringing that back in some way.
Check the blog later on Saturday for a possible update. Even if the live-blog aspect doesn’t come to full fruition, I’ll post some kind of a drunk-Saturday-night-post-thing I’m sure.
A light day-drinking friendly day with pool-side beers happening in the afternoon. A break in the evening for dinner and family, with drinking picking back up again at night as the premier of the final season of the Walking Dead is viewed.
This Week’s Eye-Catcher
I like this label from Vermont’s Foam Brewing but the thing that caught my eye is the Built To Spill because that’s the name of a band I’m slightly familiar with.
Is it a tribute to them by Foam Brewing? I kinda don’t think so, just one of those name overlaps. Here is some Built To Spill to drink to anyway:
The Sadness Of Beer Closings
Wisconsin’s Ale Asylum is having to sell, bringing sadness to the Beer community up there:

A Beer Thief Lives Amongst Us All
A classic from Ozzy. I could watch it 100 times. We have all been there, Ozzy. I still think it could have been Sharon sneaking into his room and taking some of his beers to regulate Ozzy.
Hey! Thanks For Being Here!
Thanks a lot for the read. It is much appreciated. Hope your own drinking forecast turns out well for you. Cheers!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍻 & Metal 🤘