It certainly is, @pintsandpanels. 🍻
Is Bottled Beer Coming Back?
I’ve been wondering if we’d really SEE the can shortage we’ve been hearing about for a few years. As a consumer, this is the first tangible evidence I’ve seen.

I love cans. But, I would totally be into bombers making a comeback along with bottled six packs.
Video: An ACTUAL Beer Cave!
Thanks to BenjClark for the heads-up!
A Good Read
The Beervana Blog reminds us, things are tough now but Craft Beer HAS come a long way.
Americans had no idea that beer styles existed. “Beer” didn’t come in flavors, beer was the flavor.
Future Label Buy
Someone please use this for a label! I also have some old Mead binders that would be a cool label too. Get on this!
You Have One More Chance, Beer!
I love this colab series from Karl Strauss. So I was pretty pumped to pick up two cans of the latest one with Modern Times called “Mosaic Oasis”.
Karl Strauss? GOOD.
Modern Times? GOOD.
Mosaic IPAs? GOOD.
I tried the first can and… it’s okay. Disappoint. How can this be!? This beer is getting good reviews.
Okay then. It must be me. My “setup” wasn’t right (my palate was jacked or something). Good thing I have a second one.
Last night, with a “clean” palate, I had my second can aaaand…same result.
It’s not bad, mind you, just bland. Very bland.
Some say you need to give a beer three tries before you make an official judgement. So that’s what I’ll do. I’ll report back next week.
Thanks for the read! Have a good week with your beers. Stay safe out there!
Hey there, just an FYI, there’s already been a beer with the PeeChee folder pic. We saved the bottle. I’ll send a pic later. Thanks Mikey, love the weekly reads and the heads up to “fun” things going on. Take care, God Bless America, today & everyday!! ❤️🇺🇸
I give a beer two chances , after that it’s up to the beer gods for me to buy it a third time! Beer Caves.... in my own opinion I think you Mikey have one of the coolest beer caves! Your cave has seating for a nice conversational crowd , an awesome beer wall, and a beer fridge dedicated to BEER!
Label art... that folder from JR high would be awesome, but I hope who ever uses it doesn’t make a “Peachy Flanders” just because of the name!! I'd prefer a oils for the yellow color and hopped/DDH with a hop that was famous in that folders area!
Thanks for the ready homie!!!