Wow. Design Of The Week goes to Full Circle Brew Co. All four of those labels are excellent. The beer names are tops too. “All Hail The Mighty Squeaker” is my favorite, although I don’t know what the hell a ‘Black Forest Gateau Stout’ is.
Their place up in NE UK looks pretty epic too. Add it to the list:
Beer Twitter Thread Of The Week!
The thread can be found here. I voted ‘yes’ as in there really isn’t a middle group in beer. But I quickly realized I forgot the obvious:
But still, even with Sierra, is there really a group of beer drinkers (and maybe this is slightly off topic) that buy macro and craft/indie in the same amount? That just buys beer for the price point? Plays both sides without thought and just picks up what ever they want and does that equally?
Yeah there is. I see people in the craft beer community and on Beer Twitter buying and praising macro and buy-out beer pretty regularly.
A group of beer drinkers that know and like craft but will not hesitate to grab a 12-pack of Miller Lite.
What should we call these people? They need a name. Price Pointers? No no that sucks. Damn. Maybe we need to all work on this.

This Is How I Review Things
I posted this on the blog but I want to give you the whole thing here too. It’s my first try at something I call an ambient review - describing what’s happening while drinking the beer more so than the actual beer.
I am not okay with giving straight reviews of beers. Either reviewing beer bores me or I simply suck at it, or both.
So this is the closest I can come to a beer review. In the roughly 20 minutes it took to drink this, these are some thoughts and things.
Name: Bridalveil Lager.
Brewer: Tioga Sequoia (Fresno,CA).
Style: American Lager.
ABV: 4.5%
3:50PM. Fresno. On my patio at a table in my backyard. 94 degrees.
Music: “Citizen Erased” by Muse plays in the background.
Woah. This beer is easy to drink – I mean that in a good way.
I wonder how many people know that Bridalveil Falls is in Yosemite – that can be a very dangerous hike up that trail, super slick.
Oh hey, a little breeze. Maybe a 10mph gust.
Is Muse an underrated band or are they rated properly and I just haven’t paid attention?
Someone odd parked across the street. [inspects]. It appears to be a person looking at the house to rent it. I hope someone cool moves in.
A neighbor with their patio on the other side of the fence from my patio, has come outside. She is arguing with her boyfriend whom is still inside. She is yelling back at him things and I can’t help but overhear them. The fight seems to be about a friend of his who is a woman. He was defending this woman friend. My neighbor is not okay with the amount of positive things he is saying about this friend.
This is a solid Lager. As crisp as the sky is blue right now, complete with the occasional puffy white cloud.
Thanks for coming to my first Ambient Review of a beer. Here is some Muse for you:
The Links Of Beer
We might be sorta sick of hearing about places opening up and how the beer business is dealing with the Pandemic, but in case you’re not, UK beer blogger Tandelman has some perspective on pubs opening and struggling with restrictions.
Hello and how are ya? Not good if you’re Brew Dog. Former employees formed a collective to get word out about the bad work environment Brew Dog creates. Top dog, James Watt, responded and Punks With Purpose was less than impressed.
Something To Think About
We close every episode of the Perfect Pour with this, more breweries need to know they suck for not printing their dates:
Boom. Respect your educated drinkers, breweries!
Have a great week with your beers! I really appreciate you being here. Thanks for the read!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍺 and Metal 🤘
Your Bridalveil beer review cracked me up!! 🤣 You could totally do a 20 min, Beer in the Life of Mikey segment. Hope your neighbors survive the spat! 🤣
Btw…piggy backing on this weeks podcast, I still have a Snoopy Snowcone maker, Snoopy’s my heart!! ❤️ Have a great week!! 😊