A Lager ‘Trend’ is Really Just a Few Industry People Saying “This Is Good”
and the most stylish taproom entrance ever
This straight-out-of-a-Mad-Men-episode taproom entrance is East London’s Five Points Brewing. It just struck me as really cool looking so I posted it.
Another Lager Trend?

Mind you this is an Industry person and we all know beer industry people desperately DESPERATELY pump up anything Lager related, but he does have me interested in picking up a Dark Lager of some sort.
If you are interested too but are like me and don’t know what the hell is happening with the style, here is a Paste Magazine article with some of the best Dark Lagers out there.
My personal favorite is Moonlight Brewing’s Death & Taxes - incredibly easy to drink.
For me, a good beer to have in the middle of a session to breakup the hoppy beers and make the next hoppy beer I have really stand out #facts.
Links To Beer
Not beer related but food related and important, if you were looking for a good organization to donate to in relation to what’s happening in Ukraine,World Central Kitchen is certainly one. They are serving fresh meals to people forced to flee invasion inside Ukraine and in neighboring counties. You can donate here.
Something that is more directly beer related, a group called Drinkers For Ukraine has come up with a solidarity beer that brewers can make with proceeds going to the Red Cross humanitarian relief effort. You can find the recipe for “Resit” (a Ukrainian Anti-Imperial Stout) and all the info here.
They found the King Of Uniques and he is Don Tse - @thebeerdon, and I am hella jealous of Don’s documentation of his beers.
Have A Fine Week With Your Beers!
I would like to thank you once again for the read. No big beer plans this week for me, but I might make a beer run today so I am stocked up for a good session that will be paired with tonight’s new SNL. *British accent* It looks to be ‘a right good ol’ episode there governor’:
Be safe out there!
Peace ✌️ Beer 🍻 & Metal 🤘
I had an amazing Anaheim beer run yesterday, mostly lagers, a sip here a taste their due to being the driver. none the less.. visited Green Cheek, nice location, lagers on point.. very welcoming and clean, cool peeps ( dad joke, green cheek is a bird 🤣😂) , then we hit Noble Ale Works… not what I expected, dingy, dark, old and most lagers tasted like what the location looked like ( mostly can pours) didn’t feel/drink right, very disappointing.
Ended the evening at Radiant… boy this place was awesome, friendly and bright, clean and so much cool/fun energy, no wonder why they won brewery of the year 2021 GABF! Had a cold IPA aka IPL was PHENOMENAL! I will be back to Radiant 💯❤️