How many calories did I burn? Sweet, that’s a beer!
Today I burned 166 calories walking the neighborhood for 30 minutes. That’s a 12oz mid-ALC (ABV) beer right there — a FREE BEER.
It’s like a calorie savings account for beer drinking. If I do a 30-minute walk I have a ‘free’ beer that day!
There is a wonderful piece over at Time2Thrive by
that will get you pumped to walk too. Have a read here.I plan to walk a lot more in the future. Next is to have a leisurely walk around the neighborhood with a beer.
I feel like I could walk around with a can & a simple koozie and not get too many looks. But maybe if I add a hardcore one that covers up the beer (like this bright-ass Brumate can cooler, pictured below) I’d be fine.

And yes I could use a water bottle filled with beer, but it’s not the same. The drinking experience isn’t as good from a water bottle - purely situational.
Also, maybe I could start inspiring my neighbors. “Hey, look at ‘Dumbass’ (the likely nickname my neighborhood has for me) over there, he’s walking around with a beer and getting some exercise. Maybe I’ll do it too!”
Before ya know it, the neighborhood has a whole relaxed, life is one big beer trail, vibe. That’d be pretty dang neat.
Anyways, thank you for opening and reading. I appreciate it. Hope you have a nice time walking the block for a beer and I’ll talk to you later.
P.S. I have a can cooler post over at MikeyTopPour.com.
*Just so you know, the link to a Brumate is an affiliate link, Amazon feels I should let you know, so this is me letting you know. Cheers!
Hey, thanks for the mention! I’ve gone walking with a beer in Mexico before, in the “tourist” area, but never around home.
Switched for a mixed drink and you could put that in q coffee mug. Or just use a glass like Julian from Trailer Park Boys.