The rendering of Brewdog’s planned Las Vegas taproom looks damn awesome… except when you see all the uncovered seating.
I’m not sure they are aware that Las Vegas is one of the hottest places on the planet. Martin and James’ delicate Scottish complexions will melt in Vegas sun.
Brewdog might need to start making batches of sunscreen - actually, they probably are planning this knowing them.
Beer Twitter Thread OTW

That is New Belgium’s (a Kirin sub-genre brewery - #BuyOutBeer) PR person subtweeting about trying to hire people for New Belgium Brewing - we assume.
The Tweet went viral and even got outside the Beer Twitter Universe. 163 RTs and 3,271 quoted tweets and counting - thats a lot of people weighing in.
Not only is she getting dragged for her “bring your resume to your interview” stance and then tweeting about it publicly, she is apparently working her team 16-hour days then making them hangout after work:

Check the thread (click the tweet) if you want to see the dragging.
Yeah, unless you are the owner and head-brewer, you have no business working a 16-hour day in beer PR.
Side Rant Alert!🚨 Interesting how many of the same Beer Twitter people that defended Firestone Walker’s (now former) PR person for spending a whole morning dumping on Fresno (a major market for Firestone Walker sales), are now dragging the New Belgium PR person for subtweeting about interviewing people. End of Side Rant.🚨
If you’re going to subtweet about your job on your personal account, make sure you don’t have your actual job listed in your profile, especially if that job is public relations.😬 #Twitter101
Where Is My Yakult IPA!?
I have never drank a Yakult, but it seems like an obvious future IPA.
Actually… everything is a future IPA these days. It would be more efficient to make a list of food products that could never ever be an IPA.
There is literally no space left to jokingly say “I bet they’ll try to make a beer out of that!” because someone has or is planning too - probably Brewdog.
Not a rant, just an observation.
Music To Blast While Drinking
Hells fucking yeah, there is a new Red Fang song!
I saw these guys once in a tiny club in Fresno (miss you Audie’s) and have been a fan of their Portland garage metal ever since.
Drink & Vax
When I got my first COVID vax shot (Phizer) I didn’t feel much. Even had quite a few beers that day. The next day I totally felt fine.
I got my second shot Thursday and was mostly fine that day. Next day?… not good. Felt all the soreness and exhaustion that comes with the flew but without having it, if that makes sense.
A whole day of planned of housework then rewarding myself with several beers and buzzed writing?… ruined.
I didn’t want to eat or even drink beer all day - I didn’t think it was possible to feel that way 😂.
Everyone else I know that’s had the same shot felt almost nothing the second time. I guess I am the weak boy.
This is not to scare you if you haven’t had yours yet, just using it as an excuse as to why there is not more things in this week’s D&T. I became worthless Friday, including writing - even more worthless than my usual self.
Anyway, it’s Saturday morning now and I’m feeling close to normal. Looking forward to taking my vaxed-self out to some taprooms for the first time in a long while, starting maybe next weekend!
Hope things are good with you. Try not to work any 16-hour days for New Belgium.
Thanks for the read!
-Mikey ✌️🤘🍻